It was a normal day for Jess and her wife Amanda. They placed their precious 8-month-old daughter into her child car restraint and climbed in to do a journey they had done a thousand times before. “I remember chatting to Amanda as I pulled out of the intersection to turn right on the highway. Our […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News April 2022
I hope you have all enjoyed some precious time with family over the Easter/ school holidays/ Greek Easter/ ANZAC day periods this month. You may have seen our General Manager, Jason Chambers, popping up across different media outlets across the month, talking about how over 9 in 10 child car restraints that we have checked […]
Nine out of ten Victorian kids at risk in the car
Concerning statistics from Kidsafe which found nine out of ten Victorian kids are not safe in the car have promoted a call for parents and carers to make sure their child car restraints are installed correctly. The survey of more than 9,200 cars found that nine out of ten child car restraints are either incorrectly […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News January 2022
I hope you’ve all had a safe and happy holiday and managed to have a well deserved break despite the newest phase of the COVID pandemic being upon us. Sadly already this summer, 5 children under the age of 15 have drowned in Australia. Please read our important warning for all parents and carers in […]
How to choose your first child car restraint for bub
Congrats! You’re expecting a new baby, got a bun in the oven, preggers, with child, eating for two, got a pea in the pod, expecting a visit from the stork. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s BIG – exciting, terrifying, overwhelming, spectacular – NEWS. There are a number of important items that you’ll need […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News December 2021
It’s hard to believe this year is almost over – we hope you are all making plans to take time out and look after yourselves. Coming up to the festive session, we have a couple of child safety reminders: – check presents or cards for button batteries and magnets and make sure these are secure […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News November 2021
It’s hard to believe that Melbourne has only been open for a few short weeks and that the festive season is just around the corner. It has been refreshing to have visitors, playdates and from our perspective at Kidsafe – to re-commence our accredited child car restraint training and community organisation education sessions. Last week […]
How do I know when it is safe for my child to move to the next stage of child car restraint?
Sometimes it feels like you only blinked your eyes and your child just grew another centimetre – those pants are not fully covering their ankles, and the long sleeves on that top look more like a three-quarter sleeve! As signs appear that your child needs the next size up in clothes, it’s an important reminder […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News November 2020
Welcome to our November e-news – hopefully, like us, you’ve enjoyed getting back to a bit of normality, with the further eased restrictions. This has enabled us to deliver 70 child car restraint checking and fitting days across 30 locations, present as part of the new pool inspector courses in Victoria and schedule our first […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News October 2020
I know I was one of many parents/ carers to breathe a collective sigh of relief with children under the age of 12 returning to childcare, kinder and school this month. With some sunshine coming through, it’s a great time to be able to walk to school with your kids. Make sure you use the […]