Nine out of ten Victorian kids at risk in the car

Concerning statistics from Kidsafe which found nine out of ten Victorian kids are not safe in the car have promoted a call for parents and carers to make sure their child car restraints are installed correctly. The survey of more than 9,200 cars found that nine out of ten child car restraints are either incorrectly […]
Every day at least one child is unintentionally poisoned by ‘medicine’

Every week eight Victorian children present to Emergency Departments due to unintentional medication poisoning Kidsafe Victoria is urging parents and carers to restrict children’s access to medicines – the leading substance involved in unintentional childhood poisonings – in a bid to reduce the number of incidents. The call comes as statistics from the Victorian Injury […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News March 2022

It’s hard to believe that there is only one more week until school holidays start – it feels like the kids just went back to onsite learning! This month we were grateful to Brooke for sharing her story as part of our water hazards campaign. If you have 3 minutes, watch her video now – […]
One in three toddler drownings occur in lakes, dams, rivers or creeks

Kidsafe Victoria issues warning to regional parents and carers on water hazards ahead of Labour Day long weekend [Pictured: Brooke holding photo of 13-month-old son Oscar; Ash and Matt] Kidsafe Victoria has launched a new campaign warning parents and carers about the dangers posed by drowning hazards in regional settings, heading into the Labour […]
Toddlers are at risk of drowning in everyday objects around the home

Kidsafe Victoria launches new campaign in a bid to reduce the number of childhood drowning incidents Kidsafe Victoria has launched a new campaign warning parents and carers about the dangers posed by drowning hazards in and around the home environment, heading into the Labour Day holiday. The call comes as statistics from the Royal Life […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News February 2022

What a weekend we had at the Pregnancy, Baby and Children’s Expo after a long wait! We had a great time meeting so many families and are looking forward to supporting you all in your parenting / caring journey. We have a packed e-news for you this month – we are excited to launch our […]
Every week one child is run-over in a driveway in Australia

Kidsafe Victoria launches new driveway safety community awareness campaign Kidsafe Victoria has launched an impactful new safety campaign in a bid to reduce the number of horrific driveway run-over incidents. Tragically, on average 7 children aged 0-14 years are killed and 60 are seriously injured due to driveway run-over incidents every year in Australia […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News January 2022

I hope you’ve all had a safe and happy holiday and managed to have a well deserved break despite the newest phase of the COVID pandemic being upon us. Sadly already this summer, 5 children under the age of 15 have drowned in Australia. Please read our important warning for all parents and carers in […]
How to choose your first child car restraint for bub

Congrats! You’re expecting a new baby, got a bun in the oven, preggers, with child, eating for two, got a pea in the pod, expecting a visit from the stork. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s BIG – exciting, terrifying, overwhelming, spectacular – NEWS. There are a number of important items that you’ll need […]
Five preventable child drownings drive water safety authorities to issue urgent warning for closer adult supervision

Families encouraged to set designated supervisors over the Australia Day holiday Kidsafe Victoria and Life Saving Victoria are urging parents and carers to ensure children are actively supervised in or around water this Australia Day holiday in a bid to prevent childhood drownings. The call comes as Life Saving Victoria statistics reveal five children […]