Evidence-based resources and services to support you in keeping your baby safe as they grow

Becoming a parent for the first time can be overwhelming – there is so much to learn and with so much information out there, it can be difficult to work out what you need. We want to help you make this part of your journey as easy and stress free as possible, by providing you with evidence-based resources, product links and services to support you in keeping your baby safe as they grow.

Free e-learning tool for new and expectant parents and carers, to help you choose, buy, use and think safe.

Book your spot at one of our free child car restraint fitting and checking days

Tailored information and advice based on your baby or toddler’s age and stage of development

Book a Perinatal or Paediatric First Aid Course with Emergcare & Kidsafe Victoria

Home Safety Checklist and other resources to help you prepare your home for when your baby is on the move

Free e-learning tool to guide you through choosing, installing and using child car restraints

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