Moonee Valley City Council to Install Hundreds of KIDS IN HOT CAR Safety Signs

    …. Paramedics have already responded to over 200 incidents of children being locked in cars this year.


Kidsafe Victoria and the City of Moonee Valley will today unveil plans for the strategic installation of hundreds of ‘Do Not Leave Children in Cars’ warning signs in Council car parks, early childhood services and sporting facilities.


The plans that form part of an overall ‘children left unattended in cars’ awareness campaign will be officially released today by Cr. Narelle Sharpe, Mayor of the City of Moonee Valley and Kidsafe Victoria.       

Robert Caulfield, Vice President of Kidsafe Victoria said, “The direct action by the City of  Moonee Valley is a major step in supporting the community and the efforts of Kidsafe Victoria, Government, emergency services and health authorities, in raising awareness of this important issue.”

Despite wide coverage of the issue and warnings about the dangers of leaving children unattended in cars, Ambulance Victoria paramedics have already responded to over 200 incidents this year.

Between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, Ambulance Victoria paramedics rescued 1,165 children who had been left unattended in a car.

Cr Sharpe, Mayor of the City of Moonee Valley and portfolio holder for Family, Aged, Disability and Youth, said that the introduction of the ‘Do Not Leave Children in Hot Cars’ signs as part of the City’s child accident prevention infrastructure is timely, given the warm weather over the summer period.

“These signs provide a permanent, cost effective and potentially lifesaving reminder to parents and carers of the dangers, seconds before they park their cars,“ said Cr. Sharpe.

The partnership between Council and Kidsafe Victoria will also see an extensive communication program, including social media, implemented to the 118,000 residents who reside in the City of Moonee Valley.

Cr. John Sipek, who proposed the motion, said that the City of Moonee Valley will be actively contacting and briefing all supermarkets and shopping centres within the municipality, to encourage their participation in the program.

Figures from Ambulance Victoria reveal that:

  •          Two thirds of call outs for children locked in cars were to car parks, streets or public places.
  •          The summer months (December 2013 – March 2014) were the busiest period with an average of four call outs to a child left unattended in a car per day.
  •          42% of incidents occurred between 11am and 3pm

(Ambulance Victoria, November 2014)

Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith, Media Communications, Kidsafe Victoria – Mobile: 0417 329 201