Welcome to all of our new e-news subscribers who signed up at the recent Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo. We hope that those of you who attended enjoyed the expo – we certainly did!
National Kidsafe Day 2013

Melanie Courtney (Kidsafe Victoria EO), Kym Forrest (Director Monash Children’s Hospital Project), Robert Caulfield (Kidsafe Victoria President) and Joan Adams (Kidsafe Victoria Life Member).
Last Tuesday 22nd October was National Kidsafe Day. We celebrated with a satellite launch of the new National Child Restraint Guidelines at Monash Children’s Hospital.
Approximately 70 Australian children die as passengers each year, and another 1500 are seriously injured. Children who are not correctly restrained in the most appropriate restraint for their size are seven times more likely to be seriously injured or killed in a car crash. Despite this, numerous studies suggest that an alarming number of children are travelling in incorrectly fitted child restraints or the wrong type of child restraint for their age/size.
The guidelines, which are approved by the NHMRC, provide best practice recommendations for choosing and using child restraints and booster seats.
The day was attended by a number of stakeholders and included a very interesting presentation from Kidsafe Victoria life member Joan Adams on the developments and challenges with child restraints over the years, along with a presentation from the Director of the Monash Children’s, Kym Forrest on the developments with the new Hospital. We are very excited to announce that the hospital will be Kidsafe Victoria’s new home when it opens in 2017!
Two National Kidsafe Day Awards were presented as part of the event – congratulations to Rob Newman who took home the Local Champion Award and to ARC Fences for winning the Responsible Retailer Award. You can read more about the award winners via www.kidsafevic.com.au/events/77-national-kidsafe-day-awards.
A big thank you to all those who attended on the day, along with Monash Children’s Hospital for hosting us.
For more information on the new child restraint best practice guidelines please visit the national Kidsafe website at http://www.kidsafe.com.au/crguidelines.
Name Our Newsletter Competition
Get your creative hats on and help us name our newsletter for your chance to win a Sesame Street pack, including a drink bottle and soft toys!
The name should be short, sharp and reflect our mission of ‘Making a Safer World for Kids’. Send your entries to newsletter@kidsafevic.com.au together with your name by Friday November 28th for your chance to win. The winner will be announced in the December edition of our newsletter.
Trampoline Safety – It’s Flippin Important!
Trampolines provide children (and adults!) with a great source of exercise and entertainment, however they can also pose an injury hazard if they are not set up or used correctly.
The ACCC, Kidsafe and state consumer protection agencies have teamed up with Olympian trampolinist Blake Gaudry, to help parents and carers keep trampolining safe for kids.
Don’t let your trampoline spring a surprise! Head to www.productsafety.gov.au/content/index.phtml/tag/trampolinesafety today to check out the campaign video and the 5 step safety test to determine if your trampoline is safe.
Keep in touch with Kidsafe via social media
Have you liked Kidsafe Victoria’s Facebook page or followed us on Twitter? Social media is a great way to stay up to date with the latest child injury prevention information, advice and resources….. and connecting with us is only a click away!
Visit the links below to head to our Facebook and Twitter pages and like/follow us today!
Product recalls
Zapatin Import Pty Ltd—Assorted Children’s Wooden Toys
The wooden toys, including a coloured clown-shaped wooden toy, a wooden pounding toy and a helicopter-shaped wooden toy, have small parts that may come lose and pose a choking hazard for children.
Consumers should stop using these products immediately and return to Zapatin Import Pty Ltd for a full refund.
Hunter Leisure—Airwalk Reflex Scooter
The Airwalk Reflex Scooter model number 41414 is being recalled because there is a risk of the steering tube breaking which may cause the rider to lose control of the scooter.
Customers should contact Hunter Leisure to receive a replacement fork, which will be sent out free of charge, on 1800 632 792.
Kaleidoscope Australasia Pty Ltd—Manhattan Group Quixel Baby Rattle
The arches on the rattle may break and pose a choking hazard for young children.
Consumers should immediately stop using the rattles and return them to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Universal Enterprises—”Ed” iPad Bean bag
The bean bag does not have a child resistant slide fastener which means that children may be able to access the polystyrene beads which may pose a choking hazard.
Consumers should stop using the product immediately and return it to your nearest Officeworks store for a full refund.