Child safety is no accident

Losing a child. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Many people are surprised when they hear that unintentional injuries are one of the leading causes of death and hospitalisation for Australian children. Every year in Australia, approximately 150 child die, and more than 60,000 are admitted to hospital due to a serious injury. When we talk […]

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Blog contributed by Olympian, father of four and ‘Safe Barriers Save Lives’ campaign ambassador, Matt Welsh. Spring is here and we are starting to (happily) wave goodbye to the winter chill.  It means that those long and warm summer days will be here before we know it and for most of us, those days will […]

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Top 5 Tips for Winter Safety

1. Hot drinks and young children don’t mix Hot drinks and cooking oils are the most common cause of scald injuries to young children. These scalds usually occur when a child pulls a cup down on themselves, or they pull on an item like a table cloth that causes a drink to fall. When warming […]

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The Myth about Child ‘Proof’ Caps

Do you know what one of the most common causes of childhood poisoning is? It’s an everyday product that you will find in almost every home, car or handbag. It’s Paracetamol. In 2016, the Victorian Poisons Information Centre received 2,443 calls about paracetamol poisoning. The majority of calls related to children aged between 1 – […]

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Emma Cockburn on Driveway Safety

Emma Cockburn on Driveway Safety On the 16th April 2011, our world was changed forever in an instant, when daddy came home from work – like he did every other day – reversed the tool trailer and ute into the garage, and accidentally ran over our youngest of four beautiful little girls, Georgina. The effect […]

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