“I wasn’t sure if he would make it”

Zoe ten Broek, Mum to 1-year-old Jax, has warned parents and carers of the dangers of graduating children from their rear-facing child car restraint too early, after a serious car accident left Jax fighting for life. In early July, Zoe strapped Jax into his rearward facing child car restraint in preparation for the 20 minute […]

Is Your Home Pool Defence Set for Summer? Guest Blog by Matt Welsh

This year has been like no other, with COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns having an unprecedented impact across the country. Now that spring is here, we can happily wave goodbye to the winter chill and look forward to those long, warm summer days that will be here before we know it. Hopefully those days will be […]

A Rear Facing Child Car Restraint Saved My Baby’s Life

      A decision we will be forever grateful for As the mother of adventurous and busy 12 month old Miles – who is ‘off the charts’ and is already wearing size 3 clothes – Hayley has encountered her fair share of advice and comments. None more so than when it came to making the […]

Kidsafe Keeping our Little Farmers Safe

Whether it be country kids who live there or kids from the big smoke who are lucky enough to visit during the holidays, farms provide a great environment for children to live, learn, play and explore. With plenty of wide open spaces to run free, clean, crisp air and so many animals to interact with, […]

Kids, You Can be a Fire-Safe Koala Like Me!

G’day kids! Captain Koala here. I’m one of the CFA’s fire-safety supremos. CFA is short for the Country Fire Authority. You might have heard about us in the news this summer. We’re firefighters who fight bushfires and house fires right here in Victoria. But one of my jobs is to make sure those fires don’t […]

Break Out in a Sweat Safely at Home

Gym Equipment Child Injury

Photo: Canva Are you a gym junkie suffering withdrawal symptoms or a casual exerciser that has jumped on the home fitness bandwagon? In the wake of gyms and sporting facilities being forced to close due to COVID-19 restrictions, shelves in retail stores across the country have been stripped bare of weights, yoga mats, treadmills and […]

Swimming Lessons Can Do More Than Save Lives

Have you enrolled your children? Being around water is part of everyday life in Australia, which is why it may not come as a surprise that swimming is our most successful Olympic sport. However, you don’t have to harbour ambitions (or have ambitions for your children) to be the next Mack Horton or Emma McKeon […]