Kids in Hot Cars this Summer
In response to a 10 per cent increase of children being left in hot cars, Kidsafe Victoria is releasing a special electronic safety kit for use by the media, Members of Parliament, local councils and community groups. The kit Includes use of the infographic below and a fact sheet, which can both be downloaded […]
Safety Laws
Pool Fencing Laws In Victoria, all swimming pools and spas with a depth greater than 30cm are required to be surrounded by a safety barrier. There are currently three sets of requirements for pool/spa barriers in Victoria, depending on when the pool or spa was constructed. For more information on pool fencing laws, please click […]
‘Elmo Stays Safe’ Road Safety Campaign The ‘Elmo Stays Safe’ campaign, developed by Kidsafe Victoria and Sesame Workshop with the support of the TAC, RACV and Holden, is designed to prevent child motor vehicle and pedestrian injuries and deaths in Australia. The campaign contributes to the international effort to reduce child injury and death as […]
Childhood Injury Unintentional injury is the largest cause of death for children aged 1-14 years in Australia, with more children dying due to injury than of cancer, asthma and infectious diseases combined. Every year approximately 29 Victorian children die and a further 81,000 are treated in hospital as a result of unintentional injuries. Common causes […]
Safekids Worldwide
Kidsafe is a partner organisation of Safe Kids Worldwide. Around the world, a child dies from an unintentional injury every 30 seconds, and millions of children are injured in ways that can affect them for a lifetime. Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organisation dedicated to preventing injuries in children. All international partner organisations focus […]
Kidsafe Victoria e-news November 2014
November e-news Welcome to the November edition of Kidsafe’s e-news! An especially warm welcome goes out to our new subscribers from the recent Pregnancy Babies & Children’s Expo. Our monthly e-news will keep you up to date with what Kidsafe Victoria has been up to, as well as the latest safety information and recent product […]